

Saturday, January 5, 2008



TURMERIC (Curcuma Longa L), sometimes called 'Indian Saffron',

Botanical: Curcuma longa (LINN.)

Family: N.O. Zingiberaceae

Turmeric is an essential flavoring spice of Indian and other cuisines. The Turmeric rhizome provides the typical yellow color of many curry dishes and helps to make the food more digestible. Turmeric has been used for arthritis, high cholesterol, digestion, liver protection, and obesity. Turmeric also possesses antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Turmeric contains curcumin and an essential oil (turmerone, zingiberins). Curcumin increases the secretion of bile by stimulating the bile duct. Curcumin also protects the liver by detoxification, stimulating the gall bladder and scavenging free radicals. In conjunction with the adrenal glands, it inhibits both platelet aggregation and the enzymes which induce inflammatory prostaglandins. Curcumin may also help break down fats and reduce cholesterol

Caution: Large doses not recommended in cases of painful gallstones, obstructive jaundice, acute bilious colic and extremely toxic liver disorders. Traditional Ayurvedic Qualities and Uses of Turmeric:

Taste/Rasa: Sweet, pungent, astringent, bitter

Virya: Hot

Vipak: Bitter

Guna: Light and Dry, (Balanced by 70% carbohydrates and Earth-root))

Prabhava: improve skin beauty/complexion

Dosha: Tridoshic in moderation, increases VP in excess

Pharmacology: antibacterial, antiviral, anti fungal, anti yeast,

antiallergenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-spasmodic, carminative,

diuretic, Indications: acne, allergies, ascites, auto-immune disorders, burns, chicken

pox, diabetes, digestive disorders, gallbladder problems, liver damage, liver

disorders, skin rashes, tumors, ulcers.



Thursday, December 6, 2007



English Name: Indian Aloe, Jafarabad Aloe

Local Name: Sentebibu,
Sanskrit : Ghrit Kumari, Kanya
Gujarati : Kumarpathu, kunawar
Hindi : Ghee-kanwar, ghi-kuvar
Tamil : Bhottu-katrazhae, Chirukattalai, Kottaalai
Kanada : Kolasoar, Komarika, Maulisara
Oriya : Kumari, Mushaboro
Malayalam: Kattavazha
Marathi : Korphad
Telagu : Kalabanda

Family: Liliaceae

Uses: A type of plant with thick pointed leaves, or the thick liquid found in the leaves which is used to heal damaged skin and skin care. The active substances of the pure gel inside aloe the Vera of plant sheet are not only used for the removal of slag and regeneration of the human organism, they are also wohltuendes an experience for the skin. Aloe is a popular house plant due to its reputation as a healing plant for burns, cuts and other skin problems but contact dermatitis can occur in sensitive individuals. If you use Aloe, you should cut away the skin and inner layer of yellow juice leaving only the actual gel. The yellow juice, especially prominent in older plants, is the primary irritant in the cases of contact dermatitis. You should test a small area of skin, such as the inner forearm, for a reaction before more general use. It has two distinct types of medicinal use. The clear gel contained within the leaf makes an excellent treatment for wounds, burns and other skin disorders, placing a protective coat over the affected area, speeding up the rate of healing and reducing the risk of infection. This action is in part due to the presence of aloectin (B), which stimulates the immune system. To obtain this gel, the leaves can be cut in half along their length and the inner pulp rubbed over the affected area of skin. This has an immediate soothing effect on all sorts of burns and other skin problems. The second use comes from the yellow sap at the base of the leaf. The leaves are cut transversally at their base and the liquid that exudes from this cut is dried. The plant is emmenagogue, emollient, laxative, purgative, stimulant, stomachic, tonic, vermifuge and vulnerary extracts of the plant have antibacterial activity. Apart from its external use on the skin, aloe vera (usually the bitter aloes) is also taken internally in the treatment of chronic constipation, poor appetite, digestive problems etc]. It should not be given to pregnant women or people with hemorrhoids or irritable bowel syndrome the plant is strongly purgative so great care should be taken over the dosage. The plant is used to test if there is blood in the faeces. This plant has a folk history of treatment in cases of cancer.

Aloe is also an air purification plant.

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